di , 10 giugno 2012 12:58

[en]In July 2001 we went to Genova along with 300.000 people to shout to the powerful members of the G8
“another world is possible”.

A world where political choices would not be dictated by banks and speculators and where the voice of the many would not be shut by the arrogance of the few.
We arrived in a sealed off and barricaded Genova, where not even the inhabitants could move around without permission. In 300.000 we invaded the streets with our necessities and desires.
With the conviction that this capitalistic development model didn’t suit us; we faced a militarised power that had prepared a bloody protest management, that climaxed with the murder of Carlo Giuliani. The same power which was fabricating evidences in order to break into the Diaz school and which was preparing the torture chamber in the Bolzaneto prison.

Today, after 11 years, there are people who wish that only court verdicts be left of those days:
the acquittal of the State and its apparatuses, and the conviction of those 10 people accused of devastation and plundering. People whom they want to pay off the bill, with 100 years of jail, for having disturbed the plans of the mighty. An offense that implies 8 to 15 years of imprisonment and that dates back to the “Rocco code,” issued during the Fascist regime and used against those who were opposing the dictatorship. Indeed the same way the justice system is applying it today, with the same intent.

Who are instead the real devastators and plunderers?

11 years afterwards, we can say that we were right at that moment. Those powers that were gathering to decide the fate of the world, have shown in these years what  its real goals were: globalization according to the dictates of neo-liberism, the devastation and selling-out of the land and the hoarding of resources (water, oil, seeds), the sack of our lives, the politics of austerity that impoverish us more and more, occupation troops in our country and around the world. While the ones who fight with the weaker classes are always the ones to pay, the organizers and the executors of Genova’s massacre not only aren’t recognized  as responsible, but they’ve even being rewarded. This is evident from the recent appointment as State undersecretary for the Prime Minister, with a delegation to the secret services, of Gianni De Gennaro, head chief of police during Genova’s G8.

Let’s send those convictions back to those devastators and plunderers who wanted to inflict them on us!

Let’s roll this call to everyone, to the 300.000 who were in Genova’s streets in that July of 2001, and to those thousands WHO never stopped fighting (dreaming).We want to launch, from now till July 13th, the day of the Supreme Court hearing for the comrades convicted of devastation and plunder, a campaign that underlines how politically involved the judiciary’s choice of recurring to the offence of devastation and plundering is. A campaign that does not allow those 10 to be scapegoats paying for struggles that belong to everyone and that builds a moment of solidarity and closeness. A communication campaign that employs different tools and that is able to involve all society in a fight for freedom. We invite the whole movement, the comrades that from all over the world animated those days in Genova, to join the campaign and act on these issues from now till July 13th.

The campaign will be launched on 12th June with a press conference at the Supreme Court in Piazza Cavour [/en]

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3 commenti per “ENGLISH”

  1. Ryan scrive:

    Solidarity from the U.S.!

  2. Jesse Stout scrive:

    Solidarity from USA!

Rispondi a Jesse Stout

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